Some days we may be feeling really exhausted or unsteady on our feet. This class uses a chair to support you through some postures. You can also have your back to a wall for the standing postures to give you confidence & support if you are feeling weak. Props help you achieve & maintain a posture, so you can gain the full benefit of a class and not miss out.


FREE Photographic Yoga Class

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A General level practice to support you through this difficult time. These postures benefit the systems of the body and encourage stability of the mind & relaxation. Create your special yoga space, use the wall if needed. Have a mat, blocks, bricks, blankets & a belt. Practice this sequence as it is in order. Miss out postures if you don’t know them.

Do not attempt postures you have not practiced in class with a teacher. If you have not experienced headstand than just sit in Baddhakonasana {soles of feet together} as shown. Be kind to your self. Do not force your self in a posture. Move slowly & mindfully. Enjoy.

List of sequence:

Reclining posture- open the chest, connect with the breath.

Supta Baddhakonasa- use a belt around hips & feet. Use a bolster/folded blanket lengthways for back, support the head.

Sukhasana- Parvatasana, arms stretches

Virasana- Gomukhasana arms

Parighasana- breathe into the side ribs

Adho Mukha Virasana- support the head

Adho Mukha Svanasana- support the head

Sirsasana- headstand/ sitting posture

Child pose- supported on a bolster/folded blankets/ towels


Upavista Konasana

Supta Padangustasana 1 & 2- to front & to side with block support on outer thigh

Supta Virasana


Viparita Karani- legs up the wall either flat down or with 4 blocks under the sacrum. Allow the groins to soften down & for the abdomen to be level to ceiling

Ujjayi breathing- use 2 blocks & blanket under your head & place 2 bricks to support your shoulder blades. Or lie on a bolster/ 3-fold blanket. Support the head so that the forehead is higher than the chin. Observe the breath. Fill the lungs evenly. Feel the ribcage lift outwards & upwards. Support the out-breath. Listen to the sound of the breath attentively & maintain its rhythm throughout. Slow, steady In-breath & Out-breath. Repeat 5 times. Effects: Soothes the nervous system.

Viloma 11- lying down. Slow, steady In-breath, interrupted out-breath. See the photo for this. Start with an out-breath, empty the lungs. Then take a slow, steady in-breath from lower abdomen to upper chest, lifting the ribcage outwards & upwards. Pause the breath at the top{mula bandha & Jalandhara bandha/pelvic floor lift & chin lock}then slowly exhale - pause- exhale-pause-exhale-pause-exhale……empty the lungs. This is one cycle. Repeat 5 times. Do not strain or rush. Take a normal deep breath in-between cycles if need. Effects: Good for beginners, reduces strain, calming

Sit- observe the breath at the nostrils. Normal breathing. Dharana & Dhyana/Concentration of the mind & Meditation.

Lie down & rest.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them. Then click on the right arrow for the next asana. Follow the sequence as it is.