Yoga Video Trailer


Request to purchase the yoga videos

Once you have made me a payment for your chosen class below, I will send you the password to access it on this website. Please use these tabs below to inform me that you have paid & would like it sent. The videos are under ‘Yoga Videos ‘ at the top of this website page. Thank you.

Yoga Videos- voice over

Zoom- recorded from a live class

Classes- a class taught with me speaking directly.


Suitable for Beginners/General level. This class gives you postures to prepare you for Pranayama. Includes: supported reclining postures, arm/shoulder stretches, supported child pose on a bolster, sitting leg stretches, supported chest openers on a bolster/blocks, legs up the wall, 10 mins of breathing exercises & 10 mins of Savasana/relaxation.

Suitable for Beginners/General level. For those who have had a minimum of 3 months of lessons with an Iyengar Yoga teacher. There are 5 groups of postures to follow: Standings, Twists, Seated Forward Bends, Balances, Backbends. Also includes final Sarvangasana{shoulderstand} & Savasana. There are 4 potential classes to create within this video.

Suitable for Beginners. A great introduction to the Beginners yoga postures. This class includes: arm/shoulder stretches, tree pose, basic standing postures {repeated twice on each side}, supported chest opener on a bolster/blocks, legs up the wall. A separate 10 mins relaxation class is on this page to practice after your session.

Suitable for Beginner/ General level. A slow paced, quietening practice to recuperate your mind. This class includes: Sitting arm/shoulder openers, lying down leg stretches, 3 different forward bend sequence, a twist, Chatushpadasana {supported back arch} & Savasana.

Suitable for Beginners/General level. A gentle paced class to prepare you for Pranayama. A bolster/blocks are required for long holds in a posture. This class includes: Supported child pose, sitting twists, seated postures & forward bends, supported reclining postures to open the chest , legs up the wall/calves on a chair, sitting pranayama & sitting meditation. This is a pre-recorded zoom yoga class, I refer to some students who were present at the time.

Suitable for Beginners/ General level. This class has a focus on lifting the sides of the chest & moving the back ribs in to prepare one for backbends. Includes: Seated postures, twists, downward facing dog, standing twist/ Pavritta Trikonasana, Chaturanga, Upward facing dog, Dhanurasana {bow pose}, Sarvangasna & Savasana.


“ I have enjoyed the video and I think it is excellent. Calm, measured and most of all clear instruction. I feel very lucky to have this video for private home practice. Well done for producing it. So professional, as if you are teaching a real time class!”


“Thank you for spending so much time & effort producing the Beginners & All Levels Yoga videos. They are fantastic, both really helping me to practice at home on my own. between classes. Something I’ve struggled with in the past. They really support what you teach us and help me work on the postures. The Beginners video is also great for practising breathing exercises- so relaxing!”




“ I have enjoyed the video and I think it is excellent. Calm, measured and most of all clear instruction. I feel very lucky to have this video for private home practice. Well done for producing it. So professional, as if you are teaching a real time class!”


“Thank you for spending so much time & effort producing the Beginners & All Levels Yoga videos. They are fantastic, both really helping me to practice at home on my own. between classes. Something I’ve struggled with in the past. They really support what you teach us and help me work on the postures. The Beginners video is also great for practising breathing exercises- so relaxing!”


How to buy the yoga videos

Please pay to or ask for my bank details.

Once received, let me know you & I will send you a passcode to access the video on my website. These videos are intended for past & present students, family & friends.


All Levels Yoga video

Four sequences to choose from
