Satya & abstinence


Satya & abstinence


Yoga helps you view life from a different perspective. Yoga can help you overcome mental afflictions & disturbances.

Something wasn’t sitting right with me. I had this constant guilt that was niggling behind the scenes in my mind. I wasn’t quite sure what the root cause of it was until a penny dropped at the end of a yoga class with my teacher one day. She was talking us through the Yamas & Niyamas and came to Satya- truthfulness. Am I being truthful to myself? Am my actions for the best of my highest good? The truth presented itself instantly. ” I need to abstain from drinking wine. It no longer serves me well. It is toxic for my body & mind.” I was stuck in a habit & I needed to make a giant leap of change.

So, how did I do it? How did I control my desires for a crispy, cold glass of wine at the end of the day?

Awareness in action.

Whilst drinking my 3rd glass of wine one night, I asked myself, am I enjoying this? Do I need this? No, was the answer. It is an illusion. The mind seeks gratification through our senses. Greed & bad habits cause us suffering.

Whilst being mindful & present about drinking that glass of wine, I realised I didn’t feel any different from the1st glass. I was just thirsty. It was no longer serving me well.

From that day on, I stopped drinking all alcohol for 18 months! The first few weeks, I had to use will to keep me on track. Then it became the norm not to be drinking.

Satya- truthfulness, is one of the Yamas (the restraints & observance of ones own behaviour with other living things)

“If our mind is disciplined, focused & free from habits, our perception is more accurate. We make better choices & our actions will not cause us suffering.”

I felt completely free! I’d made the right the choice. And through the weeks, I noticed how much clarity & positivity I had.

If something is making you unhappy. Sit for a while, be honest with your self & ask your self this question:

Is this serving me well for my own higher good?

Yamas- the restraints

Ahimsa- non-violence

Satya- truthfulness

Asteya- non-stealing

Brahmacarya- moderation

Aparigraha- non-hoarding