Home practice


Practice, practice

“ Yoga does not just change the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.” B.K.S Iyengar

So, why practice yoga?

Yoga is something that we can do to keep our minds positive. Our practice builds our self-esteem and shifts our perspective on things. This leads us to a healthier lifestyle & to making better choices. Yoga makes us feel more energised & happier, as it increases our serotonin levels. Our stress levels become more balanced as tension is released & we sleep better. Yoga teaches us to have self-enquiry, to learn to listen inwards & to be kind to ourselves. If you feel self-love, you can be kinder to others! Yoga is a science & an art. There are many postures that help strengthen your immune system. Something we need during these winter months.

What gets you motivated to explore your yoga practice at home?


Here’s a few tips on how to ignite the fire within you to get on your mat.

  • Create your space. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed, move furniture, have a deity in view (I like Ganesh: an elephant- headed Hindu god of beginnings. Also known as the remover of all obstacles), light some candles. Get your props.

  • Tell everyone in the house that you are going to practice yoga on this day, at this time. Put it in your diary. Stick to a regular time & day. This is your time for your well-being. Soon your body & mind will be telling you when it’s time to do yoga!

  • Have a sequence in front of you to follow. One week focus on a group of standing postures, another backbends… If you have the book, ’Yoga, The Iyengar Way’ by Mira Mehta, there are some great sequences in the back there. Or you can find Iyengar yoga sequence sheets online. You can also follow one of my videos!

  • Set an intention or dedicate your practice to someone you love or is in need. In this way, you practice from the heart & approach your practice with a selfless giving.

  • Let go of all judgment of how long you are on the mat. A few postures with steady breathing can change your outlook on life.

  • Want to listen to your own flow? Just get on your mat & start with sitting & observing the breath. Do a few crosslegged forward bends or lying back opening the chest on a bolster. Listen to your body & see which posture it wants to do next. Have a basic idea of what group of postures you are doing that day, then explore!

  • Can’t concentrate? Yoga can be seen as the union of the body, breath & mind. Focus your mind on the shape of the posture & the muscle actions to create extensions in the pose. Then listen to the steady flow of your breath. This focus & absorption brings concentration to the mind.